What Are The Health Benefits of Laser Skin Treatment
BeauticianOnline May 21, 2019

Laser treatments, as well as any medical treatment should be done by a specialist who will know how to identify the indications and contraindications and thus conduct each case in an effective and appropriate manner.
Over the years, it is normal for unwanted lines of expression, wrinkles, and spots on the skin caused by overexposure to the sun to appear. Because of this, in addition to the anti-aging, peeling, botox and filler creams, men and women seek rejuvenation and care methods like laser treatments which are some of the quickest and most effective procedures.
The treatments with the use of the Laser are effective and the technologies increasingly modern allow greater benefits and an increasing range of therapeutic possibilities.
The laser clinics Australia must have its parameters adjusted according to the type of skin, disease or specific aesthetic treatment and therefore the importance of always consulting with a doctor to ensure a better efficacy and lower risks of undesirable effects.
Contrary to what many people think the laser treatments can be done in the summer. It is enough that all the recommendations given by the doctor are respected by the patient. However, there are some treatments that can not be performed on skins that are tanned, either by natural or artificial tanning.
As with any treatment, the laser also has its contraindications. Only the doctor will know if the patient can be safely treated. Pregnant women, infants and people with certain skin diseases should not be treated for as long as these conditions persist. If not properly adhered to, any treatment can adversely affect the health of the patient.
ACNE: Laser has come to revolutionize the treatment of acne, acting both on active acne (along with conventional treatment) and on the cicatricial stage.
SCARS: Laser treatment permanently eliminates or minimizes the various types of scars.
PIGMENTED INJURIES (STAINS): LASER can be used to remove melanin which is the brownish pigment that gives color to the skin and that in some situations can cause blemishes on the skin. The laser light, without damaging the skin, will directly reach the pigment, promoting its breakage and absorption by the body. Thus, the pigmented lesions that can be treated with the Laser are:
– Ephelides (“freckles”)
– Solar Melanoses (“sun spots”)
– Nevus of Ota
– Post-inflammatory
Hyperpigmentation: Dark circles are alterations caused by the accumulation of melanin (pigment that gives color to the skin) in the region of the eyelids, added to the local microcirculation that causes the darkening of the region. It works with great effectiveness in the two pigments, dark (melanin) and bluish or purplish (hemoglobin). The treatment is simple, quick and painless at Australian skin clinic. You should perform a monthly application, around 3 to 6 sessions to obtain a significant improvement of dark circles.
LASER WAXING: The use of the laser for hair removal is a very effective method, promoting a total and lasting epilation in the treated area already in the first session, which becomes definitive after a few sessions. At each session, the hairs become thinner and grow more slowly. Laser light also improves inflammatory processes (folliculitis) and ingrown hairs. Laser applications are less painful and there is also a lower risk of unsightly scars.
REJUVENATION: This treatment acts on the epidermis and or dermis (skin layers), preserving the integrity of the epidermis, and its main objective is the formation of a new collagen. There is an improvement in the texture and color of the skin, as well as telangiectasias (vases) and pigmentary changes (spots). The likely mechanism of action is the stimulation of the fibroblast that increases its collagen production.
VASCULAR INJURIES AND STRESS: The laser is an excellent indication in the treatment of vascular lesions such as:
– Hemangiomas
– Telangiectasias (vascular dilatations)
– Pyogenic granuloma (benign tumor of probable vascular origin)
– Rosacea Recent streaks (red)