How to Loose Weight with Personal Trainer in Sydney

BeauticianOnline July 23, 2020

How to Loose Weight with Personal Trainer in Sydney

Everyone needs to understand that our body is something like an energy unit, and if you sharply exceed or reduce energy consumption, you don’t have to rely on a good figure. Need a balance. Therefore, rare but intense training is harmful. In addition, there are diseases that affect the metabolism in the body, gastrointestinal diseases, hormonal disruptions, and other health problems. In this case, you can not only not get the result, but also exacerbate the problem of excess weight.

Therefore, in the presence of serious diseases, it is very important to get a doctor’s consultation before going to the gym, and enter at least the remission stage. It is also very important to have a good rest and get enough sleep. Regular lack of sleep and chronic fatigue lead to quite serious malfunctions in the body and a violation of the proper production of hormones.

All these so-called “fat burners” are a set of diuretics, energy drinks, thermogenics and drugs that stimulate the thyroid gland. That is, of course, you lose weight, but it is not fat that is leaving, but water, which leaves the illusion that you are losing weight. But the “effect” is very short-term, after stopping the intake, you get withdrawal syndrome, with all the consequences, plus kidney problems, central nervous system, hormonal disruptions. which, you see, is a moot pleasure. Therefore, think ten times before taking something: are you ready to pay with your health for a temporary effect?

Who should not do bench press?

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, various arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, and commonplace colds and inflammatory diseases are not compatible with weight training. But at the same time, the presence of diseases in no way precludes physical activity as such, but only imposes certain restrictions. With the same scoliosis it is possible and necessary to train, but categorically eliminating the axial load on the spine and various twisting with weights.

Personal trainer Sydney recommends the same exercise therapy to strengthen the muscles of rectifiers and stabilizers of the spine. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, moderate cardiac loads and so on are possible. It’s just that in our medicine it’s easier for a doctor to make a diagnosis and prohibit any workload in principle, so as not to mess around and relieve himself of any responsibility.

The structure and function of muscles in girls and boys are approximately the same, and the mechanics of the exercises will not be much different. The main differences lie in the features of the central nervous and hormonal systems and types of energy supply. I will not go into details much now, because this is a lecture for at least an hour. But, roughly speaking, it is preferable for women to practice volumetric multi-repetitive training, and for men – a more forceful refusal option. That is, there are more differences in the technique than in the exercises.

How to start losing weight?

First of all, you need to eliminate the factors of excess weight. Most likely, this is overeating and lack of physical activity. Analyze the diet, try to remove obviously harmful products and replace them with more useful ones. Then learn to roughly calculate the daily calorie intake and stick to it. And you don’t need to roll your eyes here – without this, nowhere. Nutrition is a fundamental factor in a healthy lifestyle, and there is no getting around it.

The option that you eat all sorts of shit, and then come to the hall to “atone for sins” does not work. Well, then start training. It is important to remember that there is no better exercise for the priests, or stomach. For a good result, you need to do a little bit of everything. In general, beginner training is a hellish mixture of pain and suffering combined with lashes and humiliations.

Categories : Personal Trainer