How To Be A Smart Personal Trainer

BeauticianOnline July 18, 2020

How To Be A Smart Personal Trainer

When setting a goal, express yourself clearly and concisely. Try to take into account the maximum possible number of details and determine the goals for the SMART system – specific, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and those that can be achieved within a certain time-bound.

Make sure your client understands the difference between dreams and reality. Every guy pulling iron wants to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but Arnold was at the peak of his form only for 1-2 days before and after the bodybuilding competition – at that moment most of his magnificent photos were taken.

During the casting for the film “300”, boys and girls trained for three months 4 hours a day (Gerard Butler trained even 6 hours a day in preparation for the role), and they were in their best form for only one week filming. It is said that Demi Moore spent more than 120 thousand dollars on plastic surgery in preparation for the film “Strip”. They are all great actors who played their roles,

RULE NUMBER 1: SMART CREATION AND REALISTIC GOALS: You cannot control the result, so focus on the process, and the result will take care of itself. A classic example is magazine advertising. Many people point to advertising images and say: “I want to look the same!” But besides the genetic predisposition, proper nutrition and lifestyle, extreme diets, frequent workouts, possible medications, retouching, long years of hard work and real feats on the podium, as a result of which these models have reached their level.

For example, it is not uncommon for top models in women’s fitness to pull themselves up and push up on the bars, and also squat with a barbell in half their own weight or more, performing a large number of repetitions. So, if your client wants to look like this model, his initial goal should be to achieve at least one controlled, independent pull-ups and push-ups on the bars, as well as be able to repeatedly perform squats with half his own weight. This should be the first step, after which they could move on.

RULE NUMBER 2: FOCUS ON THE PROCESS, NOT THE RESULT: Training and exercise are two terms that are often used synonymously, but they are not the same thing. Both terms imply physical activity and in both cases it is better than lying on the couch, but this is where their similarities end. The concept of “training” provides for scheduled sessions (or “classes”, as many Russian and European weightlifters call them), designed to achieve long-term goals. These are not just exercises that are performed once in a while, which increase your heart rate and make you sweaty and tired.

The essence of training in progress, their goal is to improve your results with each subsequent lesson. It is about the process of your development from the level at which you are now to the level where you want to be in the future. Exercises, on the contrary, it’s only for today! Think of them more as maintaining your condition – doing the same things over and over for the exercise itself. Personal trainer Australia directly contrasts training versus exercise and has written several articles on this subject.

RULE NUMBER 3: WHEN TRAINING CLIENTS, GIVE THEM MORE THAN THEY NEED TO KEEP FIT: Just as you should not get bogged down in the dogmas advocated by one certification or one of the “gurus”, you should not focus on only one form of training, especially when it comes to new products for the industry. Fashion comes and goes.

For example, weights appeared in the 1700s, but eventually disappeared for certain reasons: they put too much strain on the wrists and elbows. Suddenly, weights became popular again, but it was proved that they do not provide additional advantages compared with barbells and dumbbells. Of course, weights are a completely independent projectile, but it cannot be said that they are better and it is possible that they will disappear again soon.

Problems arise when coaches are too emotional about the training process – this clouds their minds; they say that “when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” So, fans of weights are ready to use them for everything in the world.

Categories : Personal Trainer