Best Treatments To Remove Acne Scars

BeauticianOnline May 25, 2019

Best Treatments To Remove Acne Scars

Pimples are a real problem with regard to their quantity and effects on the body. Although they do not cause serious, life-threatening effects, sequelae caused by such types as fulminant acne and cystic acne lead to scars that can disrupt social media. Therefore, looking for treatments that remove acne scars are essential for maintaining good skin health, and for self-esteem as well.

Currently, there are both treatments at laser clinics Australia indicated by doctors and mandatory for those who have gone through more advanced cases of acne, or that constantly pass, as there are home treatments, more suitable for mild cases or “accidents” such as those manually broken bones. In this article, we will see some suggestions for treatments of both types, always remembering that the ideal, initially, is to seek clinical support before performing them.

It is a technique made with acidic substances, which are applied directly on the surface of the scarred skin, peeling it off. With this “dead skin” discarded, the cells regenerate and create a smooth, rejuvenated surface. This treatment is for the more moderate and even older cases of acne, whose scars are evident from the age of 30.

How does the technique work?

The peeling works with the idea of ​​skin renewal. To do so, its components, acids in most cases, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, essential for natural rejuvenation procedures. The types vary by depth as the components enter the dermis.

Not by chance, one of the direct consequences of the application of peeling with acid are stains on the skin. They leave within a few days after application, ranging from 5 to 7 days, for each case. At the end of the treatment, they come out naturally – but if this does not happen, you should go to the dermatologist as soon as possible.

The acid peels are divided into three types, according to the depth with which the components penetrate the skin. Let’s check them out next.

Superficial Peeling – Drops the skin in its simplest and most direct layer. It is most commonly used to remove acne, besides removing wrinkles and freckles. In addition to acid, the procedure also makes use of exfoliation items.

Medium Peeling – It is most commonly used for scars and deeper wrinkles on the skin. It is a less costly procedure with a recovery of up to 15 days. However, it does not completely remove acne scars.

Deep Peeling – It is little used nowadays, except in situations where the skin is very aged. The reasons he is little used is that, in addition to retinoic acid, he still uses products like phenol, in addition to a complex surgical procedure. With less dangerous treatments, it is only used in critical cases.

For all cases, the ideal is to seek peeling with retinoic acid. According to Australian skin clinic it is best suited to handle pimples and to stimulate the production of collagen. Other substances, such as salicylic acid, are only indicated for deeper cleaning, and are usually indicated by dermatologists when the skin is already well damaged.

The most common cases for applying peeling with acid, in addition to removing acne scars, are for pictures of melasma and blemishes caused by poor diet. Its aesthetic use is also highly sought after, but for the application to be safe, it is imperative to go to a dermatologist to evaluate your condition.

Side effects

The peeling should not be applied in cases of herpes and sores on the face, even those caused by acne. For the latter case, it is necessary to wait the healing time of the spine, to later apply the technique.

It is also not recommended that acid peeling be applied to women with black and brown skin. Due to the high concentration of melanin, there is a possibility of the procedure causing more blemishes on the face than removing acne scars.

Categories : Skin Care